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Bridging the Gap Between Inner and Outer Beauty

Eye of the beholder by Nicole O'dell

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self. the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

1 PETER 3:3-4 NIV Who are we trying to impress with all this striving to have the perfect body, perfect wardrobe, perfect face? Who is the judge of our beauty, and how did we fall into the trap of that striving anyway? We work so hard to gain the approval of others, but they don't even think twice about us as they are trapped in their own world of striving too. If I could add up all the time and mental anguish I've spent trying to achieve some kind of worldly ideal, Id probably be sick. Take exercise for example. There was a time in my life when I spent hours at the gym for the sole purpose of looking better. But there came a point in my life when my focus shifted. Exercise became a joy because it invigorated me. It had become about performance and fun and health not appearance. You, lovely friend, were made in the image of God. Beautiful in His sight. Recognized for the beauty that lasts- the unfading beauty that can only be found in a gentle spirit. Let go of the world's ideals for your physical appearance and your pursuit of a to-the-minute trendy wardrobe. Be thankful, instead, for the beautiful qualities that God planted within you. The ones that are of great worth in His sight. ********* What are some unhealthy ways you've struggled with the pursuit of physical beauty? ********** List three qualities that God has planted within you that are far more beautiful than outward appearance. ********** How can you use those qualities to make a difference in the lives of others?

Morning: Pray that God will show you how He sees you. Something like this. Dear Jesus, please help me to see myself through Your eyes. Show me where You place the most value so I can focus there too. Amen.
Afternoon: Ask God to forgive you. Something like this. Dear God, please forgive me for being so self-absorbed and focused on something that doesn't matter. I don't want to waste another minute in an unhealthy pursuit of a physical ideal just to hope for the approval of others. I love what You see in me, and that's the only approval I need. Amen.
Evening: Ask Him to help you find balance. Something like this. Father, I know things like looking nice and exercising aren't inherently wrong. Please help me find a healthy balance so I can be a good steward of my body and my resources and a tes- timony to others about true beauty. Amen.

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