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Re-Education of Natural Hair

Let’s face it. When the natural hair trend became such a big deal we had no idea what we were doing. Most of us were saying HECK NO to the transition (Me!!) The thought of going natural really scared most of us even though we were intrigued. So we went to our hairstylist to find that they also had no clue where to start. Also to find out, in my experience, most cosmetology schools where not even teaching textured hair techniques and terms. I remember my class book having 1 single chapter on ethnic hair let alone any other type of hair besides straight hair. We scrambled YouTube for answers. Took advice from scammers, influencers or whoever claimed they had the knowledge of how to do our hair. Many of you have done the big chop numerous times out of frustration or failed attempts of obtaining healthy naturally curly hair. In the past there were no natural hair products on the market and now the market is saturated with products claiming to help us. Yes, there are some great ones and there are some horrible ones. I’m sure many of you have become product junkies. Right now your bathroom cabinets are full of failed products you’ve tried and maybe they worked on your sister but just didn’t work for you. But ladies, it’s not our fault. If you where raised in the 80s and 90s you had a relaxer in your hair by the age of 6, maybe younger. That was our norm. That was the easiest and quickest things our parents knew to do. That’s all we saw on television and in the magazines. We were compelled to have long straightened hair and we did whatever to get the look.

But it’s a new era. Times have changed. And I’m here to re-educate you on how to take care of your natural (textured) hair. In great detail I will outline everything you need to know to begin your healthy hair journey with your textured (Coily, curly, wavy) hair. State Boards are beginning to require schools to learn and execute textured styles along with the regular standards to be licensed cosmetologists. First and foremost let’s understand textured hair is not defined by race. Although majority curly hair are of African descent, this type of hair is found in all of human race. It may seem to be easier to manage if the curl is more loose but it’s definitely not the case. Also, all curl patterns are beautiful. They are all can be managed. I encourage everyone who has chemically altered there hair and never seen their real hair texture to transition. Every person should experience the hair texture that was God given to them. Give it a full year or loving all of you. If the lifestyle works, you would be surprised at the next level of the new you would be. If the lifestyle is too difficult or you just do not have the time or finances to continue then by all means do what’s best for your life and your hair. Do not feel you are not connected with your heritage by doing so. Do not let others shame you for reverting. It’s YOUR CHOICE. If you do decide to return to chemically altering your hair I am going to teach you how to do that in a healthier manner. You are capable of having healthy hair no matter the texture or lifestyle. I am here to prove to you that you can have healthy hair and make it a habit. Be patient with yourself and be kind and gentle with your hair. Trust the process… here we go!

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